About this Handbook
Internet Intelligence & Investigation is a powerful tool against crime, however, the collection of internet data and information is heavily regulated. Improper use of the internet for investigative purposes can put an investigator and their employer at physical, financial and legal risk. Therefore, legal and ethical standards must be followed when conducting investigative activity online.
The Internet Intelligence and Investigation Handbook details the professional standards vital to conducting investigative activity online. Criminal and Security Intelligence specialist Steve Adams presents knowledge and advice that will ensure that any internet-based investigative activity that you conduct is carried out in a legal and ethical way that guarantees the rights of the subject and ensures your legal and physical safety.
This handbook details best practices for both public sector and private sector organisations. Standards adopted when conducting investigative activity online within the public and private sectors are inconsistent, risking the integrity of investigations and prosecutions. This document is designed to be relied on by organisations industrywide to establish a consistent and modern standard for conducting Internet Intelligence & Investigation activity.
About the Author
An internet investigation expert helping to prepare the next generation of intelligence professionals for success.
As a criminal intelligence analyst for the second largest police force in the UK, I helped decision-makers to make informed, data-driven decisions to reduce crime. Transitioning from law enforcement to the private sector, I became a skilled internet investigator and guided the shaped the use of OSINT within the business.
Today, I work for a market-leading OSINT technology company. I regularly lead OSINT training webinars and speak at conferences in the US and UK, where I discuss unlocking the power of intelligence analysis and OSINT.